Audit Committee

Mr. Hui Kwok Wah (Chairman)
Mr. Kan Man Kim
Mr. Chow Chun Hin, Leslie
Terms of Reference


Remuneration Committee

Mr. Hui Kwok Wah (Chairman)
Mr. Chu King Tien
Mr. Kan Man Kim
Terms of Reference


Nomination Committee

Mr. Chu King Tien (Chairman)
Mr. Hui Kwok Wah
Mr. Kan Man Kim
Terms of Reference


Environmental, Social and Governance Committee

Mr. Chu Ho Wa (Chairman)
Mr. Tang Chi Him
Mr. Liang Tao
Mr. Chen Ming
Mr. He Yong Xi
Terms of Reference


Memorandum and Articles of Association

List of Directors and their roles and functions

Procedures for Nomination of Directors by Shareholders

Arrangement on dissemination of corporate communications